This customer had major foundation damage due to the settlement of the house. Stair like cracks were going throughout both the basement and first level living space. Knowing how serious of an issue this was, the homeowner reached out to us for help.
For the settlement repair, we installed 4 Push Piers. Push Piers are galvanized steel tube sections that are hydraulically driven through steel foundation brackets to reach depths of underlying soil or rock that can bear the weight of the structure without shifting or compressing.
Settlement Damage
Drywall cracks going throughout first floor living room
Foundation Crack
Large crack in block foundation
Foundation Crack
Multiple cracks and block separation
Push Pier Install
Steel tubes being hydraulically driven through the steel foundation brackets all the way down to load bearing strata.
Push Piers
Here are 2 Push Piers in place, taking the weight of your home off of the unstable soils.
Push Pier
Push Piers, in some cases can lift your home back to level.